All work is done from Japanese to either British or American English, depending on your preference.
High quality translations of documents and presentations for professional use in the target language demand a good working knowledge of the source language, and the ability to express the text effectively in the target language. How this is achieved depends on the purpose of the text: for example, it is essential that a medical or engineering document conveys the source content exactly to the reader, whereas a marketing text is designed to elicit a response, so tone and readability become more important than word for word correspondence. These judgements about the readership determine the success of the translation.
Dynamic texts such as webpages and software user interfaces need special attention to ensure that the results function as expected. This is done using programs such as SDL Passolo which provides a dynamic preview of the software’s output throughout the translation process. Also, I am helped by my IT knowledge when the occasional file needs raw editing.
Under the global standard ISO 17100 and the previous European Standard EN15038, all documents must first be translated by a competent translator, then reviewed by a different competent proofreader before delivery to the customer. This involves correcting spelling, punctuation and grammar. Incorrect translations are corrected, however a proofreader would not normally make stylistic changes to the translator’s work.
Please note that proofreading services do not include correcting poor quality translations or translations done by persons with insufficient linguistic competence. A definition of competence using ISO 17100 is made here by the CIoL.
If a translation is not of professional quality, or seems to be done by a translator without native level English ability, I may offer to translate it from source at my normal rates, possibly with a discount if the first translation can be used as a reference.